Court Referral Program
an alternative sentencing monitoring program
Since 1978, the Court Referral Program, an alternative sentencing monitoring program, provides courts, probation departments, and judicial authorities with a viable option of community service/community labor and education as an alternative to fines and incarcerations for adults and youth who are convicted of infractions, misdemeanors or felonies while allowing them to benefit themselves and their community.
Were you ordered by the court to report or in enroll in one or more of these programs?
Domestic Violence
Offenders are required to participate in and complete the Batterers Intervention Program (BIP). Probation requires a successful completion of a 52-week probation approved mandatory batterers program which meets one session per week for a minimum of two hours.
Community Service (Hours)
Community Service hours required by court as an alternative to fines and/or incarceration. Clients will be assigned to a local non-profit based on offense to complete sentencing requirements while improving the local community. Duties: Food Distribution, Janitorial, Clerical, Administrative, light duties, etc.
Anger Management
Court courses that educate clients on anger prevention and control. Program require clients to attend one session per week for a minimum of two hours. Clients will be assigned quantity of weeks based on offense and plea bargain set by Judge.
Community Labor (Days)
The objective of the Community Labor Program is an alternative in lieu of jail time. Client must work 8 hours a day that is equivalent of 1-day of sentence. Client must be physically capable to perform manual labor. Duties: Freeway/Park/Beach clean-up, Animal Shelter, warehouse, etc..
Child Batterers
Offenders are required to participate in and complete the Batterers Intervention Program (BIP). Probation requires a successful completion of a 52-week probation approved mandatory batterers program which meets one session per week for a minimum of two hours.
The Hospital & Morgue Mentoring (H.A.M.M.) Program is an alternative sentence or condition of sentencing of DUI, reckless driving, and related offenses for adults ages 20+. The H.A.M.M. Program was created through the collaboration of participating Hospitals, the Department of Coroners, the District Attorney’s Office, and Riverside County Superior Court.
Court ordered courses that teach effective and safe ways to deal with issues such as discipline, anger management, and basic day-to-day parenting skills. Program require clients to attend one session per week for a minimum of two hours. Clients will be assigned quantity of weeks based on offense and plea bargain set by Judge.
Teen Education Mentoring Program Option (T.E.M.P.O.) is a drug and alcohol early Intervention program that educates youth (ages 13-19) about the legal, financial, and emotional consequences of substance use.
Step 1: Submit enrollment information
Must have the following: 1) Photo ID 2) Court Referral, Probation Referral, or Transfer Paperwork (CLASP)
Submit Online
Begin the enrollment process by clicking the button below.
Call Us
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Phone: 951-329-4709
Visit Us
We are able to assist you in-person on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1835 Chicago Avenue, Ste. B, Riverside, CA 92507
Step 2: Be Prepared to Submit Payment
Payment amount varies, based on program and county of residence.
I have been court ordered to perform community service or take a class, what do I do next?
You first need to enroll to the Alternative Sentencing Monitoring Program online, over the phone, or in-person (See Step 1 above).
What do I need to bring with me or submit online to enroll?
You will need to submit the following documentation to enroll:
A current photo ID
Your court referral, probation referral, or transfer paperwork (CLASP)
Your enrollment fee, which varies based on the number of hours, days, program or county of residence.
Can I arrange my service over the phone or online?
Yes. Please complete the enrollment application online (see step 1 above). You can complete enrollment and your service and not meet us in-person.
Can you give me an extension (more time) to complete my service, hours, or classes?
No. The court deadline is managed by the court system. However, we can help. Contact us and ask for a progress report, then provide it to the court to request an extension.
Contact us
Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
(951) 329-4709
In-Person available on Wednesdays only, 9:00am - 4:00pm
1835 Chicago Ave., Ste. B
Riverside, CA 92507
To self-refer please follow the link below and click contact us in the top left!
Holiday schedule
Please note, our offices and staff are not available on these days.
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day and Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day (observed)
Christmas Holiday (observed)