The Help2Others (H20) program helps eligible residential customers avoid water service shut-offs due to non-payment of amounts owed to their water department. Various water districts across Riverside County offer up to $215 in credits - the amount and application frequency vary by agency. Please see the list of water agencies below for information on your potential benefits.
eligibility requirements:
You must be a customer of a participating water agency (see list below)
The water bill must be for your primary residence and in your name.
Must meet income level guidelines (see below)
AS OF MAY 1, 2024,
Valid documents may include, but are not limited to:
Driver’s license, state-issued ID card, or passport for account holder.
Proof of gross annual household income – W-2s OR 2 Months (60 days) of paystubs OR CA EDD statements. Will need one of these accepted proof of income documents for each member of the household.
Bill statement includes your account number, name, address, past due amount, and bill due date.
You can access and complete the online application here:
WHO IS MY WATER AGENCY for the Coachella Valley?
If you're unsure, please click here to verify/confirm your water agency.
If you need assistance completing an application in person, you can call or visit one of our intake partners:
Inland SoCal United Way – In-person assistance is available by emailing water@iscuw.org to schedule an appointment during normal business hours. 1835 Chicago Avenue, Suite B, Riverside, (909) 751-1180 ext. 4871
To ask about general information you can call (909) 751-1180 ext. 1200.
Salvation Army – In-person assistance is by appointment only on Thursdays. Office hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM -5:00 PM, 30400 Landau Blvd., Cathedral City - 760-324-2275
Catholic Charities – In-person assistance on Tuesdays from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, 52555 Oasis Palm Drive, Coachella CA 92236 - 760-342-0157
Galilee Center – In-person assistance is by appointment only, Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. 66101 Hammond Rd., Mecca - 760-396-9100 (No more than 1 person will be allowed into the office at a time; Clients should come alone)
CV Water Counts is a collaborative program among all of the valley's public water districts to help conserve water - our most precious resource. We invite you to learn more about the program... because Every Drop Counts!
Please visit CVWaterCounts.com for details and to access resources to help you save water. In addition to conservation, the public water districts in our valley have partnered with Inland SoCal United Way to provide the Help2Others Assistance Program.