workforce services

A good job changes everything. Inland SoCal United Way works with employers and educators to open doors to in-demand careers. We connect people to education, job training, financial tools, and support services so they can build a thriving future.

Focusing on job seekers facing barriers to employment, we use a holistic approach that combines employment services and wraparound support. Since 2018, we’ve coached 1,200 job seekers, placed 600 people into careers, and partnered with over 100 employers.

job seekers

Are you:

  • Struggling to get or keep a good job

  • Facing barriers such as reentry, long-term unemployment, little or no job experience, personal challenges to employment, or low wages

  • Needing to work two or more jobs to make ends meet, or

  • Feeling like everybody else has this “work thing” figured out but you don’t know where to start or how to do better?

We’ve got your back.


Did you know?

Enhance your hiring network.

Get access to individual job services tailored to your needs and goals. You work one-on-one with an employment coordinator to put together your employment plan and to get connected into services, education, training, and job placement.

What We Offer

  • Job placement and referrals

  • Supportive Services such as help with housing, utilities, food, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or paying for work uniforms or tools

  • Customized job coaching

  • Workplace and technology skills

  • Job retention strategies and support

  • Work readiness workshops

  • Resume development

  • Interviewing and resume technique workshop

  • Job search strategies

  • Assistance with online job applications

  • On-the-job, certificate, and apprenticeship opportunities

  • Short-term training options available

Example Job/Training Pathways & Average Salary

  • Class A Truck Driving Training with job pathways to several industries such as construction, utilities, logistics, and City employment ($52-80k)

  • Forklift & OSHA Certification Training for jobs requiring forklift certification in construction and logistics ($40-52k)

  • Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship Training for jobs in construction, private industry, and government sectors ($60-120k)

  • Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Training for jobs in construction, private industry, and government sectors ($50-100k)

  • Community Health Worker Training for the medical, nonprofit, and education sectors ($38-45k)

  • Administrative & Customer Service Training for private business sector, nonprofit, government, and hospitality jobs ($38-50k)

  • Culinary Arts Training for jobs in the culinary, food service, food manufacturing, and hospitality industries ($40-85k)

  • Certified Nursing Assistant Training and Medical Assistant Training programs to enter career pathways in healthcare ($42-52k)

  • Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Training to enter technical careers in manufacturing ($45-65k)

  • And many more!



Please complete the below form or call 211 to connect with someone over the phone 24/7/365 in English or Spanish.

Por favor, complete el siguiente formulario o llame al 211 para conectarse con alguien por teléfono las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año, en inglés o español.

Join 100+ employers as a partner of choice to grow your hiring pathways across any sector! You will be connected with a Job Developer specialized in understanding employer hiring needs to create training and job placement routes of qualified applicants.

What We’re Seeking

  • Quality jobs with good wages, benefits, reliable scheduling, work/life balance, and opportunities for advancement

  • Partners who are open to hiring and being flexible to promote the success of job seekers and employees with barriers

What We Offer

  • Job referrals of qualified candidates

  • Add your hiring requirements to our training, education, and work readiness options

  • Financial aid for eligible participants for uniform/tool purchasing, transportation, and training or test fees

  • On-site hiring and job fairs with work-ready applicants

  • Employer education resources and tools

  • Help to identify and reduce barriers in your hiring

  • Supportive services such as help with housing, food, or childcare, for eligible employees that improve quality of life and job retention

  • Job coaching and retention support strategies for program graduates after hiring
